November 2, 2020


Ohhhh, the dreaded hangover. Headaches, fatigue, aches, you name it. We've all been there. People are well aware of the physical effects of hangovers, but have you heard of hangover anxiety?

Some call it the "Sunday Scaries" Some attribute it to Mondays. And no, it's not just recalling embarrassing memories of over sharing to that poor girl in the bathroom, or getting up and making a fool of yourself on your neighbor's dining room table.

No, it's common for people to experience squirrel-like sensations. Some might feel irritable, tense, shaky, or restless. Others might ruminate about the impending work week or begin to feel overwhelmed over something they hadn't worried much about before. Whatever way it shows up, it's uncomfortable. Many people unknowingly suffer from hangover anxiety, because it's not a well known concept.

So here you have it. Hangover anxiety. It exists.

More information on hangxiety and how to combat it can be found here.

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